pip_services3_rpc.test package


Module contents

class pip_services3_rpc.test.TestCommandableHttpClient(base_route: str)

Bases: pip_services3_rpc.clients.CommandableHttpClient.CommandableHttpClient

call_command(name: str, correlation_id: Optional[str], params: Any) Any

Calls a remote method via HTTP commadable protocol. The call is made via POST operation and all parameters are sent in body object. The complete route to remote method is defined as baseRoute + “/” + name.

  • name – a name of the command to call.

  • correlation_id – (optional) transaction id to trace execution through the call chain.

  • params – command parameters.


a command execution result.

class pip_services3_rpc.test.TestRestClient(base_route: str)

Bases: pip_services3_rpc.clients.RestClient.RestClient

REST client used for automated testing.