pip_services3_components.auth package


Module contents


Contains credentials implementation.

Credentials – passwords, logins, application keys, secrets. This information is usually linked with connection parameters. Connection parameters separate from authentication, because auth is saved as a secret, and stored separately from configuration parameters (host name, ip addresses). They need added security and protection, so they were separated.

Credential parameters include various credentials.

Interfaces and abstract classes for credential stores, which can save or retrieve various credential parameters.


Conceptual Vision Consulting LLC 2018-2019, see AUTHORS for more details.


MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

class pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams(values: Any = None)

Bases: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams

Contains credentials to authenticate against external services.

They are used together with connection parameters, but usually stored in a separate store, protected from unauthorized access.

### Configuration parameters ###
  • store_key: key to retrieve parameters from credential store

  • username: user name

  • user: alternative to username

  • password: user password

  • pass: alternative to password

  • access_id: application access id

  • client_id: alternative to access_id

  • access_key: application secret key

  • client_key: alternative to access_key

  • secret_key: alternative to access_key

In addition to standard parameters CredentialParams may contain any number of custom parameters


credential = CredentialParams.from_tuples
("user", "jdoe", "pass", "pass123", "pin", "321")

username = credential.get_username()           # Result: "jdoe"
password = credential.get_password()           # Result: "pass123"
pin = credential.get_as_nullable_string("pin") # Result: 321
static from_config(config: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams)pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams

Retrieves a single CredentialParams from configuration parameters from “credential” section. If “credentials” section is present instead, then is returns only the first credential element.


config – ConfigParams, containing a section named “credential(s)”.


the generated CredentialParams object.

static from_string(line: str)pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams

Creates a new CredentialParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.


line – a string with serialized key-value pairs as “key1=value1;key2=value2;…” Example: “Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z”


a new CredentialParams object.

static from_tuples(*tuples: Any)pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams

Creates a new CredentialParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, … pairs.


tuples – the tuples to fill a new CredentialParams object.


a new CredentialParams object.


Gets the application access id. The value can be stored in parameters “access_id” pr “client_id”


the application access id.


Gets the application secret key. The value can be stored in parameters “access_key”, “client_key” or “secret_key”.


the application secret key.


Get the user password. The value can be stored in parameters “password” or “pass”.


the user password.


Gets the key to retrieve these credentials from ICredentialStore. If this key is null, than all parameters are already present.


the store key to retrieve credentials.


Gets the user name. The value can be stored in parameters “username” or “user”.


the user name.

static many_from_config(config: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams) → List[pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams]

Retrieves all CredentialParams from configuration parameters from “credentials” section. If “credential” section is present instead, than it returns a list with only one CredentialParams.


config – a configuration parameters to retrieve credentials


a list of retrieved CredentialParams

set_access_id(value: str)

Sets the application access id.


value – a new application access id.

set_access_key(value: str)

Sets the application secret key.


value – a new application secret key.

set_password(password: str)

Sets the user password.


password – a new user password.

set_store_key(value: str)

Sets the key to retrieve these parameters from ICredentialStore.


value – a new key to retrieve credentials.

set_username(value: str)

Sets the user name.


value – a new user name.


Checks if these credential parameters shall be retrieved from ICredentialStore. The credential parameters are redirected to ICredentialStore when store_key parameter is set.


true if credentials shall be retrieved from ICredentialStore

class pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialResolver(config: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams = None, references: pip_services3_commons.refer.IReferences.IReferences = None)

Bases: pip_services3_commons.config.IConfigurable.IConfigurable, pip_services3_commons.refer.IReferenceable.IReferenceable

Helper class to retrieve component credentials.

If credentials are configured to be retrieved from ICredentialStore, it automatically locates ICredentialStore in component references and retrieve credentials from there using store_key parameter.

### Configuration parameters ### credential:

  • store_key: (optional) a key to retrieve the credentials from ICredentialStore

  • … other credential parameters

credentials: alternative to credential
  • [credential params 1]: first credential parameters

  • … credential parameters for key 1

  • [credential params N]: Nth credential parameters

  • … credential parameters for key N

### References ###
  • *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 (optional) Credential stores to resolve credentials


config = ConfigParams.from_tuples("credential.user", "jdoe",
                                  "credential.pass",  "pass123")

credentialResolver = CredentialResolver()
add(connection: pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams)

Adds a new credential to component credentials


connection – new credential parameters to be added

configure(config: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams)

Configures component by passing configuration parameters.


config – configuration parameters to be set.

get_all() → List[pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams]

Gets all credentials configured in component configuration.

Redirect to CredentialStores is not done at this point. If you need fully fleshed credential use lookup() method instead.


a list with credential parameters

lookup(correlation_id: Optional[str]) → Optional[pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams]

Looks up component credential parameters. If credentials are configured to be retrieved from Credential store it finds a ICredentialStore and lookups credentials there.


correlation_id – (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.


resolved credential parameters or None if nothing was found.

set_references(references: pip_services3_commons.refer.IReferences.IReferences)

Sets references to dependent components.


references – references to locate the component dependencies.

class pip_services3_components.auth.DefaultCredentialStoreFactory

Bases: pip_services3_components.build.Factory.Factory

Creates ICredentialStore

components by their descriptors.

See IFactory, ICredentialStore, MemoryCredentialStore,

MemoryCredentialStoreDescriptor = <pip_services3_commons.refer.Descriptor.Descriptor object>
class pip_services3_components.auth.ICredentialStore

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface for credential stores which are used to store and lookup credentials to authenticate against external services.

lookup(correlation_id: Optional[str], key: str)pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams

Lookups credential parameters by its key.

  • correlation_id – (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

  • key – a key to uniquely identify the credential.


found credential parameters or None if nothing was found

store(correlation_id: Optional[str], key: str, credential: pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams)

Stores credential parameters into the store.

  • correlation_id – (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

  • key – a key to uniquely identify the credential.

  • credential – a credential to be stored.

class pip_services3_components.auth.MemoryCredentialStore(config: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams = None)

Bases: pip_services3_components.auth.ICredentialStore.ICredentialStore, pip_services3_commons.config.IReconfigurable.IReconfigurable

Credential store that keeps credentials in memory.

### Configuration parameters ###
  • [credential key 1]:

  • … credential parameters for key 1

  • [credential key 2]:

  • … credential parameters for key N


config = ConfigParams.from_tuples("key1.user", "jdoe",
                                  "key1.pass", "pass123",
                                  "key2.user", "bsmith",
                                  "key2.pass", "mypass")

credentialStore = MemoryCredentialStore()
credentialStore.lookup("123", "key1")
configure(config: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams)

Configures component by passing configuration parameters.


config – configuration parameters to be set.

lookup(correlation_id: Optional[str], key: str)pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams

Lookups credential parameters by its key.

  • correlation_id – (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

  • key – a key to uniquely identify the credential.


found credential parameters or None if nothing was found

read_credentials(config: pip_services3_commons.config.ConfigParams.ConfigParams)

Reads credentials from configuration parameters. Each section represents an individual CredentialParams


config – configuration parameters to be read

store(correlation_id: Optional[str], key: str, credential: pip_services3_components.auth.CredentialParams.CredentialParams)

Stores credential parameters into the store.

  • correlation_id – (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

  • key – a key to uniquely identify the credential parameters.

  • credential – a credential parameters to be stored.